Calm Amongst the Chaos

Mama of 5 seeking calm in the chaos

Lily had her last day of school today. I felt sad sending her off. How fast a school year goes. Wow.
We will surely miss her teacher.
Yesterday we were at the hospital for 5 hours! Darn this study. Ugh. She had an EKG, blood drawl, I had to sit her on the toilet for an hour the previous night for another urine sample, and an hour long EEG which really is more like two hours with putting on the leads and taking them off. I really needed to work yesterday and that did not happen. It was stressful.
The girls are going to Grandma and Grandpa D’s tonight and they are leaving bright and early tomorrow morning to go up north to Greer while daddy and I am going to NYC! We leave at 7am and will be there until Monday night!
I miss the girls just thinking about missing them, but daddy and I need this.
I have more I’d like to say, but I have 20 minutes before I have to leave work for a 4pm appointment and I better do my work and not personal stuff at work, right???!!

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