Calm Amongst the Chaos

Mama of 5 seeking calm in the chaos

Hi folks! I am still pregnant, just haven’t been able to update since I’ve been working more than usual trying to tie up loose ends. Wouldn’t you know during that time my work computer would crash and I would loose EVERYTHING in that computer? That was Wednesday and I think we recover what we needed to. I handed the payroll torch to my sister and now my life is about to change. I am going to work from home in a much less stressful position and mostly just be mommy. I can’t tell you all how excited I am for this change! I so desire to be a stay at home mom and I think this is going to be a great change.
Oliver’s room is just about done! We just have left some finishing touches that were ordered on Etsy, meaning they are custom made and will take a few weeks to come in. That is ok. His furniture is in and we are ready to roll.
At the Dr. on Tuesday I was 50% effaced and 2cm dilated. But that was Tuesday, this is Saturday. No good contractions, just random ones and nothing else. I have this week to go into labor or I will just have my c-section on Friday the 6th at 6am. We have to be there at 4am! Sigh.
All that matters is a healthy little boy in the end and I have sent many prayers just asking for that. If a VBAC is not in my best interest than the c-section will be just fine. I am leaving this one up to God. That doesn’t mean that I am not walking a lot and doing what I can to get this thing started ๐Ÿ˜‰
I will post an update with pictures when I can. I may get on here a time or two before Friday if that is when he comes!

2 thoughts on “Still pregnant…

  1. catsmum says:

    I have been thinking about you Kim.All the best for a wonderful week. I can’t wait til you post some pictures of your new little man.Leita xxx

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