Calm Amongst the Chaos

Mama of 5 seeking calm in the chaos

My friend Kim is amazing. Like hands down the best friend a girl can have. Will do anything she can for me, loyal as all hell and the funniest person I know.
So when she was 15 minutes from picking me up I texted her to see if she would stop at Walgreens and grab an enema for Lily. I had been giving her stool softeners to no end and nothing so we knew we needed to up the ante post surgery. I would like to share how the texting went, this of course is all with her permission. Right Kim?
Not editing, I do spell this bad.

Me: u know i hate to ask u this but is there anyway u can grab some enemas on the way? lily’s really having a tough time. i’ll $$ u back
Kim: shut it!!! i would love to! plain?
Me: no mint. lol i think plain
Kim: cool πŸ™‚
Me: u need a bff cape today
Kim: hush! i love to help

She sounds like the bestest friend on the planet right? So willing to help. So loving πŸ™‚
So when Kim shows up and in her hand is a big bag of plain m&m’s we laughed and laughed and laughed. Like she will never live it down. It was awesome! She is pregnant and that baby girl calls all the shots and apparently those shots are filled with sugar.
She even went back to her phone to prove I for some reason wrote eminems …. but I didn’t. Not sure why I would, lol. Oh it was so funny. I asked did you really think we were in dire need of m&m’s… ahhhh it was so funny. I still laugh thinking about it. And the whole plain, no mint. I thought she was being a smart butt and she thought I was …. well… what did you think Kim? Oh man that was awesome.
The next morning Andrew held his tummy and said boy those m&m’s worked.

Love you Kim!

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