Calm Amongst the Chaos

Mama of 5 seeking calm in the chaos

OK can I just say being a mom is hard? Can I get an AMEN? We have to lift each other up, because I know so many of us are doing enough of knocking ourselves down. Cheers to all you mamas! You are AMAZING!
I just wanted to say we did have a weekend of family fun before school started. (Yes school started. July 21st. It was 111 degrees. Yay for year round school in Arizona) Although I will say 2 rooms next time, and maybe we will just take one kid at a time on vacation. Preferably Lily. I kid. I kid. I read last post. I totally kid. {but it would be more peaceful}
So we went on a little family staycation because Arizona Resorts know how to do a staycation!
We went to the JW Marriott at Desert Ridge and it was wonderful. We floated on the lazy river. We swam in the pools. We laid in lounge chairs. And although Lily had seizures (as always) we just let her sleep them off in the shade under cool towels. She really seemed at peace there and when she wasn’t seizing or sleeping she was swimming and was so happy!
*Side note… we won a Kiefer float for her at conference (which I really wanted) and it was incredible for her all 3 times we took her swimming with it. Then we left it at the pool and never saw it again. But I am in contact with the resort who says they are doing all they can to search for it and if they can’t find it they will buy us a new one! I’ll keep you posted on that.*
The kids had such a wonderful time. Andi made a new friend, as always, Oliver just loved to swim and play catch. Andrew and I enjoyed an adult beverage and we took advantage of the kids eat free deal.
It really was like we were out of town. So fun.

Then school started. And sleeping in was over. Rushing had began. I knew it would be different with three now I had to get up and ready and really different because the past 5 years before Oliver seriously slept through it all. Andi pretty much gets herself ready and all I use to have to do was get Lily ready. Which is a lot of work as you can imagine as she is full care. But this year it was Lily’s full care and pulling a sleepy Oliver out of bed and forcing a kid who doesn’t like to eat breakfast to eat breakfast and get his sleepy head dressed and teeth brushed. And still full on getting Lily ready. The first day I was in tears and we waited outside for Lily’s bus to come and then we were all going to walk the kids to school and I could see Oliver in his class… but Lily’s bus didn’t show in time and Andrew had to take them. I stood and cried and thought I am missing his first day of school. His first day of school! For the rest of his life he will never have his first official day of school again. And there I stood.. missing it. Proving once again they take second to Lily. Not wrong. But also not fair.

But here they were before

Oliver-Kindy, Lily-7th, Andi-4th
Second day someone was “sick” and didn’t think he would make it to school. I called it second day jitters…

He’s fine. Just dramatic.

Then I prayed the bus would make it in time. And when it didn’t, I asked Andi Jane, “can you get him to school and to his class?” She said she has been waiting for this moment since we moved here. We live less than a block away and so there I stood and watched them as they left. Again.

So today dangit I was not going to miss them go again! So we all (Lily, Andi, Oliver, me) walked to school kissed those little nuggets goodbye and Lily and I walked back and then we still had 10 minutes of sitting and waiting {in peace} for the bus. I felt so much better. I knew that OK, this is our morning routine. We just need to get ready a little earlier and that is just how it will be. And we will really celebrate weekends.

Oh and just an Oliver update, he had a better 2nd day than first. He came home so happy to tell me about a book he made and even made a new friend with a “cool name”. He is growing up so fast helping with chores around the house and even earning an allowance. He actually asks what else he can do to help. He voluntarily brought in the recycle bin on Tues. Bless his little heart! He seems a little more emotional than usual as last night after prayers he just sobbed like a drunken emotional sailor crying about everything from hoping none of his friends come over and ruin that book he made, to not being a “cool guy” to a very serious worry over a family friend (sweet Ellie Grace) who is battling cancer right now. We just said another prayer after he spilled all his worries onto me and then he slept like the little sweet prince he truly is.

Andi Jane is rocking 4th grade! Loves her teacher and the kids in her class. She asked me to put some Jamberry wraps on her and she was loving all the attention she was getting for her awesome nails! 🙂 She has been helping me with Lily and Oliver and even pitching in with chores. Andi is not a chores person. So I am so glad she is finally realizing she needs to pitch in. Even if I had to make some incentives to get her to do so. She is a good girl and I can’t believe she is in the 4th grade. Time really flies.

Jr. High is going much better than I anticipated! Teacher has called me everyday with updates and questions (asking questions is so good!) I have been informed how wonderful the paras are (from great sources) and look forward to meeting everyone on Monday when I go in to teach them about the Tobii. I had this overwhelming feeling of doom thinking of Jr. High, then I met the teacher, heard their are only 6 kids in the class and was told about the paras and I just felt relieved. I worry. A lot. And it seems like every time I do so God proves himself to me and says… SEE? We are always so covered by his love and peace. I am OK. I am feeling confident about this year.

So now I have three kids in school. Three lunches to pack. Three folders to check. Two I will need to reinforce homework with. And again… will really appreciate weekends.

One thought on “Regaining Focus!

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