Calm Amongst the Chaos

Mama of 5 seeking calm in the chaos

Lily classmate who passed was a little girl with Rett Syndrome. I met her the first day of school and she was as cute as a bug. Even gave me a little wave when I came up to her to tell her hello and welcomed her to school. She was in a wheelchair and I was saying how excited I was that Lily finally had a little girl friend in a wheelchair too. Any loss is devistating, but this hits so close to home. So close. Too close. I just feel so bad for the family, I told the teacher I wanted to meet mom and chat with her. See if we could, you know, trade notes. Dr’s, therapists, etc. Just so sad.
Our little friend is still in PICU and we are still praying. She is off the vent, but still has a way to go. Keep her in your prayers please, little Emmie. We just love her and her family so much, we want to see her come through this and be Lily’s BFF again.

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